A website to discover!
Posted by msdesign21 | Posted in You trippin! | Posted on 04-08-2010
Tags: resources, Working on not working
About a year and a half ago Brian and I joined the Lawrence Home Brewers Association. Brian had started to dabble in brewing with our good buddy Dane and I just wanted to taste the beer! It turns out to be a whole lot better than that. The people I have met at these meetings are incredible passionate about their craft and have a ton of knowledge to lay on you if your quick enough to take it all in. The best thing this group has made me discover would be how to better describe and inform my palette. They are a great group of people and we will surely miss their company on the road. If you’re in the Lawrence area and are interested in checking out the meetings they are every second Thursday of the month and their website is here: http://lawrencebrewers.org/main/
Now to the point, a year ago a woman came to our meeting to talk about her webiste project TravelBythePint.com It is a video blog of all the great breweries in the U.S. Brian and I will be sure to check this out while on the road and report back on the good ones we find. Not to mention our good friends Chuck and Cindy forwarded us a list of about 20 breweries to hit in the Northern CA/SF area. We sure have our work cut out ahead of us 😉 And to all the folks out there, we always drink responsibly. 😉