New to Trippin’ With Stanley
Posted by msdesign21 | Posted in You trippin! | Posted on 04-04-2011
Tags: about us, You Trippin!
Who is Stanley? Well, Stanley is our RV! He takes us all around the U.S. to taste delicious craft beers and meet new friends along the way. We work from the road, Brian is a graphic designer and I am a professional beer taster. I like to call our lifestyle: Working on not working and so far I would say it is working out pretty well.
We embarked on our RV journey with Stanley in August 2010. So far we have visited over 13 states and nearly 80 breweries along the way. When we first started our trip we hadn’t planned on visiting so many breweries, but when the first state you visit is Colorado, packed full of some of the countries best breweries, and you don’t have an agenda a brewery is a great way to familiarize yourself with a city and most importantly the locals! Breweries are typically located in prime neighborhoods across the US or sometimes, even better, located in off-the-beaten-path locations that you might not have thought to seek out. Now that we have started this traveling tradition we figure it is too good to stop!
If you are new to the Stanley blog, Welcome! Thanks for stopping by! If you’ve visited our blog before, thanks for following us on our journey! There are going to be some changes these next few months to the blog. We are currently hanging out in Lawrence, Kansas (where we consider “home”) resting and reuniting with our friends, getting ready to embark on the “second leg” of our trip, June 2011. Previously we were using the TrippinWithStanley blog to update family and friends on our travels, but now we plan to focus this blog more on our love of learning more about beer. TrippinWithStanley will soon feature brewery reviews, beer reviews, master brewer and home brewer interviews.
We are also on Facebook now and will be using that more to update family and friends of our traveling antics. Give us a “like” if you want, we hope to bring you big things so keep in touch for all the latest news. We are excited for the upcoming site updates and second leg of our trip. Thanks for following!